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You just have to W.E.R.K it! 

30 Day Challenges

My Exemplary Marriage Challenge

HEY BEAUTIFUL: Our next challenge kicks off on July 1st! And its all about PRAYING FOR EXEMPLARY MARRIAGES! 

We will be live each morning at 630a ET on Clubhouse. Be sure to tune in and join us live or be sure to listen to the replays.    


Hey Boo Hey! Welcome to the hub for our epic 30 Day Challenges. These challenges started as a way for women to get their WifeLife together and then it just grew into its own thing! A thing that wives in my private Facebook group look forward to.  These challenges provide opportunities for us to have an intentional focus on the unique layers that make up our lives.  Mentally, physically, spiritually, relationally, and any other "ally" you can think of.  LOL 


What makes our 30 Day Challenges worth joining is that they really do work.  We have testimonies of wives coming back and letting us know that a challenge has shifted the way she does life!    â€‹


Each challenge runs for 30-31 consecutive days (we have done some for 7 too!).  We choose a topic, provide scripture references, prayer points, and declarations and we go in! As I stated, they are typically done behind closed doors in my private group for wives, but I've decided to bring them out into the light of the public! I hope that you'd consider joining us! 



Advantages of the 30 Day Challenge:

  •  Increases your intimacy with God 

  • Allows for a targeted area of focus that helps you to remain consistent

  • Accountability from wives around the country

  • You learn to study the word of God so that you can apply it to your everyday life

  • You will see results!


All you'll need for the challenges:

  • To surrender the full process to God (will power won't work) 

  • A journal and your favorite pen

  • Yup that's it! 


What's included with challenges? Each challenge is different, some may be done by live videos, some may be done by email - all information will be included for each challenge. 

Would you like to chat with me?

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